How Can We Help?

Understanding the Senwes Group

At Senwes we are continuously reimagining our future to enable us to expertly assist our clients in reimagining theirs. We believe in taking responsibility for making things happen rather than explaining why it can’t be done.

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What we do

We Operate From Farm Gate to Mill Door

The group plays a key role in the agri-value chain in providing a seamless channel from farm to food processors where our purpose is to provide innovative and integrated solutions for our customers to enable them to do their business.

Understanding our Business

We operate within the agricultural value chain, serving two primary clients: agricultural producers who plant and sell their grain to us, and off-takers who purchase the grain from us for further food processing.

Financial &
crop planning

production account

Crops & other

input Supplies

Purchase & service

Plant & harvest

Grain storage
& marketing

Access to market


Financial & crop planning

Producer Activities:

The process starts with the producer evaluating his/her farming practices, strategically analysing which crops to plant during the upcoming season, based on various factors such as weather, soil conditions, and market demand.

Senwes' Involvement:

During this process Senwes assists the producer with precision farming solutions and agri-economic advice such as profitability analyses, benchmarking and feasibility studies to ensure the client has the best possible chance of success.

Popular Positions:

GIS Specialist Agri Finance Manager Precision Ag Specialist Agri Economist

Securing a production loan

Producer Activities:

The producer then negotiates credit which he/she will then use to buy the necessary input supplies for the season ahead and also finances the land and equipment to be used.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes, through Agri Credit Solutions, provides a variety of tailored financing solutions to the client, such as production loans and monthly accounts to be used for the acquisition of input supplies.

Popular Positions:

Agri Finance Manager Credit Controller Credit Clerk


Producer Activities:

Next up, the producer insures the loan, inputs and harvest as a risk mitigating action.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes, through The Certisure Group, provides the client with a variety of insurance products such as credit life insurance, crop insurance and agricultural insurance.

Popular Positions:

Insurance Broker Credit Controller Credit Clerk

Purchasing Input Supplies

Producer Activities:

The producer then secures the needed input supplies for the upcoming production season. These inputs range from agricultural lime, fuel and seed to fertiliser and chemicals such as insecticides and pesticides.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes, through its joint venture Bastion Lime, provides the client with agricultural lime and gypsum products which aid in getting the soil plant-ready. Hinterland, an affiliated company of Senwes, facilitates the direct input supply purchases such as seed, fertiliser and chemicals. These purchases are normally done by utilising the credit provided by Agri Credit Solutions. Other day-to-day input supplies are bought at Hinterland’s retail branches on the monthly accounts of clients. This includes a wide range of animal care, garden and irrigation as well as DIY-products. Hinterland Fuels provides producers with fuel solutions to ensure their continued farming operations.

Popular Positions:

Input Marketer Mine Manager Branch Manager Product Specialist

Purchasing & Maintenance of Equipment

Producer Activities:

The producer buys new equipment which enables her to do soil preparation, planting, spraying and harvesting of crops.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes, through its affiliated company Senwes Equipment, supplies a wide range of farming equipment such as tractors, sprayers and combines to producers and also services these assets for producers through an extensive dealership network.

Popular Positions:

Input Marketer Workshop Manager Spare Parts Manager

Planting, growing and harvesting crops

Producer Activities:

To maximise growth and crop yields, the farmer prepares the soil, chooses the right seeds and schedules correct planting time.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes, through its affiliated company Senwes Grainlink, assists the producer with the compilation of a grain marketing strategy and with various grain contracts relating to the delivering and selling his/her grain.

Popular Positions:

Input Marketer Workshop Manager Spare Parts Manager

Grain storage & marketing

Producer Activities:

As the producer harvests the grain, he/she transports it to a grain storage facility. Should the moisture content of the grain be too high, it would need to be dried first. The producer can also start fulfilling his contractual obligations by delivering grain on his pre-season contracts.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes, through its affiliated company Senwes Grainlink, provides end-to-end grain marketing solutions from production to delivery by receiving, handling and storing the grain and by undertaking quality and moisture management for millers.

Popular Positions:

Grain Marketer Silo Manager Grain Trader

Selling Grain

Producer Activities:

The producer is responsible for selling and promoting his crops to potential buyers and markets in the marketing process.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes provides a range of services for efficient grain marketing, such as the Basislink platform. In order to facilitate effective trading and administration Senwes, through a joint venture Electronic Silo Certificates, makes use of silo certificates.

Popular Positions:

Grain Marketer Silo Manager Grain Trader


Processor Activities:

The processor buys grain from Senwes for further food processing.

Senwes' Involvement:

Senwes provides mill-door contracts and financing of raw materials, along with financing solutions for off-takers, through Agri Credit Solutions.

Popular Positions:

Grain Marketer Grain Trader

Companies within the Group

The companies within the Senwes Group span across the four main business channels, namely: Financial and Technical Services, Input Supply, Market Access, and Processing, Conditioning & Markets.